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India ranks second in the most COVID-19 tests done after US

India ranks second in the most COVID-19 tests done after US

India has come in second for the most number of COVID-19 tests after the US that tops the list with 42 million tests. India has performed 12 million tests. More than 3.5 million people have been tested positive and 138000 people have died in the US.

13.6 million people have tested positive for Coronavirus worldwide an over 586,000 have died. There have been 42 million tests that had been performed. These tests have been compared to the 2009 H1N1 tests. Until Coronavirus hit mankind, H1N1 had been the worst mass casualty.

Ventilator response has increased worldwide and the research for vaccines has increased. There have been human trails that are being conducted and there have been positive outcomes. The search for the appropriate vaccine has been going in the right direction.



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