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Tips for Preventing Common Eye Conditions

Tips for Preventing Common Eye Conditions

There are over 200 eye problems ranging from general conditions like cataracts, glaucoma, and dry eye disease, to rarer conditions like vernal keratoconjunctivitis and ocular melanoma. Various eye conditions have no signs and can result in loss of eyesight even before patients realize what’s happening. Luckily, many eye conditions, including the most serious ones, can be prevented. In this article, we will be going through some of the best ways to prevent common eye conditions.

Reduce Alcohol Intake

In addition to raising the chances of liver disease, heart disease, and specific cancers, consistent alcohol misuse will also hamper your eye health. Alcohol misuse has been proven to exacerbate the symptoms of dry eye disease (also called keratoconjunctivitis sicca). This is a condition that causes the eyes to not produce enough tears, resulting in the eyes becoming swollen, irritated, and red. Furthermore, heavy alcohol intake has been linked to common causes of vision loss including age-related macular degeneration.

Stop Smoking

Smoking cigarettes has been heavily linked to an increased chance of age-related macular degeneration and is associated with both its progression and incidence. Additionally, cigarette smoke is heavily linked to dry eye disease, glaucoma (an eye condition impacting the optic nerve), diabetic retinopathy (the obstruction of blood vessels behind the eye), and the development of cataracts.

Lower Screen Time

Increased dependence on digital devices has resulted in an accelerated increase in computer-associated eye symptoms, referred to as computer vision syndrome. Symptoms of computer vision syndrome can be divided into four categories:

  • Eye strain
  • Painful or dry eyes linked to the ocular surface
  • Visual blur (difficulty focusing)
  • Other non-ocular signs

For patients suffering from computer vision syndrome, a variety of pharmacy medications are available. It is also important to reduce screen time or utilize the 20-20-20 rule.

Safeguard Your Eyes From Sun Rays

Increased exposure to UV (ultraviolet) A & B light is a common cause of several eye problems, including cancer and cataracts. These days, many types of prescription glasses have a UV filter; although, not all glasses provide proper protection. Patients need to be counseled by healthcare professionals to make sure their glasses are either BS or CE marked and are the suitable filter class for their utilization.

Adhere to Contact Lenses Hygiene Advice

Since a foreign object is being introduced onto the exterior of the eye, as well as the moist and warm environment inside the eye, inappropriate utilization of contact lenses can result in several problems. Contact Lenses wearers should be fully aware of these tips:

  • Before handling lenses, your hands need to be properly cleaned and dried
  • Tap water shouldn’t be used to wash or clean contact lenses. Acanthamoeba, which can cause vision-threatening infections, is seen in tap water
  • Lens cases must be cleaned properly using lens solution every week
  • Never bathe or swim while wearing lenses unless recommended by an optometrist
  • Never swap or share contact lenses
  • Never go to bed in contact lenses

These tips should be taken for regular lenses, as well as coloured contact lenses. Ensure you always go for scheduled aftercare appointments. The human eye is one of the most important organs of the body. And these tips are essential in preventing common eye problems. Scheduled sight tests, especially for adults, are important in tackling certain eye conditions before they become even worse.



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