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iamYiam: Take Charge. Be the Healthier You.

Lorena Puica, Founder & CEO, iamYiam
Lorena Puica | Founder | CEO | amYiam

The world population currently stands at around 7 billion and is, in all certainty, increasing as you read this. But as fascinating as it may sound, no two individuals are the same deep down at the genetic levels. Even if you have an identical twin, you can rest assured that you are dissimilar at the genetic level. This uniqueness or individuality of ours is reflected in our physical being, our mental strength, our likes, and dislikes, and even our health quotient.

Our health quotient is evaluated on individual health factors including lifestyle, medical history, environment, etc. and describes our overall health and awareness of health issues. Why we need to stay healthy needs no discussion, but how do we attain good or even great health is a persistent matter of debate.

Good health is about so much more than being free of disease. It requires each of us to be able to nurture our physical, mental and social well-being. Often small lifestyle interventions are all that is needed to dramatically transform our quality of life. But faced with an overwhelming amount of opinions and conflicting information, people struggle to know what will work best for them.

To empower people in making informed decisions regarding their health based on their individuality, iamYiam brings Science-backed and AI-powered preventive healthcare in their hands. The company applies the latest technology to empower individuals to take control of their life. It uses cutting-edge AI to provide personalized insights, giving tailored advice and support to enable people to improve their health and wider quality of life.

Meet SYD, Your Personal Health Companion

iamYiam is an award-winning personalized preventive health partner which empowers people to take charge of their health, every day and lifelong. Combining big health data, AI, genetics and academic research, it delivers the world’s first personal AI health companion. SYD (See Yourself Differently) takes information about your health, lifestyle and (if one chooses) genes, to understand what makes you, YOU.

Using AI underpinned by the latest scientific evidence, SYD predicts your health risks and identifies areas to improve, whether with diet or exercise, sleep or mental health. SYD provides tailored advice and recommendations, showing the best way to meet your health goals. It monitors progress, tracks outcomes and provides feedback on achievements, motivating you to improve even further and helping you to achieve a better quality of life.

With a team of scientists, mathematicians, engineers, and clinicians, the company focuses on Science-backed preventive health and customized care that fast tracks one’s progress towards optimal health – from childhood to retirement. Powered by cutting-edge AI technology, SYD continually learns and adapts, giving people the confidence to trust the advice. Robust security is integral to safeguard privacy, and the intuitive user-friendly design motivates ongoing engagement.

Driving the Change

Driven by a profound belief that everyone can be empowered to thrive, if given the right digital tools, Lorena Puica, Founder and CEO, has been steering iamYiam towards its mission of improving the health and quality of life of 1bn people by 2025.

Lorena holds five degrees – in mathematics, economics, and finance, and has published a book on Microfinance as a tool for empowering individuals towards Sustainable finance. She also is an extreme athlete with 2 world record events. Following three years of personal health challenges, she created iamYiam as a Science-backed, AI-powered Preventive Precision Health platform.

Through iamYiam, Lorena is targeting a paradigm shift from treatment towards prevention that all health economies believe will become the norm in the next five years. “The smartphone will become the most useful health device if we can help people personalize their health interventions and empower them to take control of their lifestyle. That’s the core philosophy behind our vision of health for everyone,” Lorena expresses.

Healthy Employees, Healthier Organizations

iamYiam, awarded ‘The Leading UK Prevention Platform’, isn’t just promoting individual health, but is also benefiting organizations. At an organizational level, SYD helps individual employees to be healthier and more productive. It helps a company – a community of individuals – to stay healthy and in turn be more productive. It offers a Workplace Analytics Dashboard that provides summary-level results across the organization, giving insight to informed decision-making, allowing the organization to tailor support to meet its employees’ health priorities. Individual employees and employers together can reach peak performance.

The company has built an ill-health risk calculator consolidating the official data with credible research. It analysed the various factors influencing absenteeism to allow for individualization of the benchmark that companies should compare themselves to. This allows companies to estimate the reality of how much the ill-health of their employees is costing them. All these platforms never compromise on the company’s radical privacy policy.

All analytics are anonymized and based solely on aggregated data. This gives peace of mind to the employee and the organization that confidentiality and privacy are retained throughout the entire journey.

Pillared on Technology

The four seminal technologies of our age, the mobile phone, big data, AI and Cloud, all converge at the right moment in history to offer a breakthrough in healthcare. iamYiam is an expert in all the technologies that are beginning to revolutionize the whole notion that people must come to their point of care; instead, it brings the point of care to the citizens. The team spends a lot of time mastering the user interface, the navigation, and information that it gives people about ways to look after themselves better.

The team says, “Nobody needs to rely on Google if they have SYD in their pocket – our avatar helps you access the most personalized advice from over 200,000 qualified clinical research papers.” Additionally, SYD learns about its members using reinforcement learning to help them maximize their physical and mental potential.

Taking on the Future

Digital Health is the future and the new ‘Renaissance’ that will allow the last 100 years of experience and evidence-based medicine to give way to data and analytics-driven medicine. Lorena and the team at iamYiam believe, “There will always be a need for people to consult a physician or go to a hospital but the tipping point we have reached today allows us to offer a ‘digital first’ solution to everyone, including the hard-to-reach. It finally allows us to address the huge variations in access to good healthcare advice that exists among many under-served peoples in every nation of the world.”

This future outlook underlines the passion that will drive iamYiam to reach 1 billion improved lives. That’s not just ambition, that’s commitment. Lorena sums up by stating, “The best clue to our future plans lies in our name; we want the world to understand why “I am why I am”, and to have the personal control and power to take the actions to live a better, healthier and more fulsome life.”

To know how you can be the healthier version of you, click here.



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